Vizeum India has been appointed as media AoR for Veev. Veev is a Chennai based leather goods provider under Srivathsa Industries and its collections include handbags and clutches. The collections are currently available online and with the appointment of Vizeum, Veev plans to build its retail presence in the country.
Commenting on the appointment, Prakash Venkatesan, chief executive officer, Veev, said “We are delighted to partner Vizeum as we focus on building our retail presence. We had strong referrals of Vizeum. Once we met them, we realized why they enjoyed such equity. We look forward to working with them and wish them the very best”
Commenting on the win, S Yesudas, managing director – Indian Subcontinent, Vizeum, said “As we are embarking on the fourth year, all I can say is we are not far behind achieving our dreams. I take this opportunity to welcome Veev into the Vizeum family. We are thankful to Prakash and team for considering us worthy. This business will be handled out of our Chennai office.”
This win follows the news of Vizeum winning the Bloomberg UTV media duties recently.