Flipkart has rolled out an ad film for its ongoing 'Big Diwali Sale' (25 to 28 October), conceptualised by Lowe Lintas.
This film continues with the brand's children-as-adults theme. One kid playing a young man calls out to his neighbour, both on their adjacent balconies. He tells the other about the Flipkart sale, plays loud music on his new speakers and invites the other over for a party. The second replies in the affirmative and says that the cold drinks are on him since he too bought a new refrigerator. An older man (also played by a kid) on the balcony a floor above intervenes. He sprays water on one of them, telling the duo that even he's made a purchase -- a new phone to call the police. The kid with the new speakers shuts off the music, even as the older man's partner glares at him. The sale is introduced, as one with offers for everyone.
The film was published on YouTube on 19 October 2016 and is currently on air.