Mankind Pharma’s pregnancy detection card brand PregaNews has launched the #CoolHaiMeriMaa campaign for Mother’s Day.
The campaign looks to instil the message that a mother’s confidence in a child helps the child progress and succeed in life. The film-led campaign shows one such relationship between a mother and a son, where the former has stood by and supported her son at various junctures of his life. SG Media has conceptualised the campaign.
Joy Chatterjee, general manager, sales and marketing of Mankind Pharma said, “The #CoolHaiMeriMaa campaign is an attempt to showcase the journey of mothers who are caregivers and work relentlessly to ensure in paving the road to a better tomorrow for their kids. Through this campaign, we recognise and pay a tribute to all the moms in the world for the role they play in their kids’ lives, and express gratitude for teaching children the virtues of patience, resilience and courage and highlight how these values are helping them in their personal and professional lives.”
The campaign will run on the brand’s YouTube channel and all social media profiles.