Ford India has rolled out a campaign through which it looks to tackle road rage.
Conceptualised by BBDO India (the first piece of work from the agency after bagging the creative mandate), the film was released during the India v South Africa ODI yesterday.
It show two friends in their Ford Endeavour, encountering a car disregarding lane driving and traffic rules. The group overtakes the Ford Endeavour in a brash manner, forcing the protagonist to come to a complete halt. The co-passenger in the Endeavour is raged and urges the driver to teach the other car a lesson. The moment, however, becomes a journey of self-discovery for the protagonist who, not only resists the temptation but also advises against using the power to chase the wrong.
Rahul Gautam, vice president - marketing, Ford India, said, "Our latest campaign - discover the more in you' - draws from experiences of our customers for whom these situations in their Ford SUV led to self-discovery, making them choose what was right. Not only does it reflect a progressive outlook to societal issues but also a special aspect of human-machine interaction.”
This TVC is a first of a three-film campaign part of the 'Discover the more in you' brand campaign.
Client: Ford
Creative agency: BBDO India
Creative team: Josy Paul, Anunay Rai and Gaurangi Mathur
Directed by: Shimit Amin