Kirloskar, the engineering major based in Pune, has rolled out a TVC as part of the ‘Invisible yet omnipresent’ campaign to highlight the varied products and services offered by the group. The ad film has been conceptualised by Pune-based Quadrant Communications. The agency also handles the media duties of Kirloskar.
The ad film takes us through a day in the life of the protagonist, a young male executive. It showcases through supers how the company touches his life through the day, with its products ranging from pumps to engines to generators and more. It captures his day from the time he wakes up to his time in office, a dinner and his return home. The film ends with a brand sign off and a voice over saying ‘Invisible yet omnipresent’.
Madhav Chandrachud, president, Kirloskar Proprietary, said, “This TVC is a part of the ongoing brand building campaign in India. When you advertise a brand like Kirloskar with a legacy of over 125 years, it’s critical to maintain the tone and manner of a leader while staying true to its unique philosophy - Enriching Lives. With a like-minded communications partner like Quadrant working with Kirloskar for decades, it’s easier to create the right association and aura, especially when its products work silently behind the scene."
Aniruddha Oka, chief operating officer, Quadrant Communications, added, “While everyone knows the brand well, it was important to reiterate its role in everyday life and demonstrate Kirloskar's enriching presence. The challenge was to overcome the classic ‘out of sight, out of mind’ syndrome, without sounding pompous or technical."
The campaign will run for three months (starting 27 July) on infotainment and news channels (regional and English), and will be supported by digital media.
Client: Kirloskar Proprietary
Brand: Kirloskar
Creative agency: Quadrant Communications
Client representative, President: Madhav Chandrachud
COO: Aniruddha Oka
Creative group head: Gajanan Kashalkar
Art director: Ravi Songirkar
Sr. copywriter: Anagha Khare
Client services director: Prasad Jahagirdar
Production house: Hectic Content