Mahindra Auto has unrolled a new digital campaign for its Bolero. The film aims to throw light on the story of the Kalia couple – Himanshu and Twinkle – who have saved over 10,000 lives by converting the Bolero into an ambulance.
The film states how the couple offer their Bolero as an ambulance with the aim of making emergency healthcare accessible to everyone. Despite Twinkle getting Covid-19 herself, Himanshu continued to offer ambulance services till his wife could join him back. The campaign has been conceptualised by Flying Cursor Interactive.
Shormistha Mukherjee, co-founder and director, Flying Cursor said, “This is a story of a couple who faced insurmountable odds and rose to the challenge. And we had to do justice to their efforts. It’s one of the many projects we were able to accomplish during the pandemic while we were working from home. And since it’s a true story of people who take on anything, it’s quite close to our heart.”