Max, the official broadcaster of the DLF Indian Premier League, has released its communication campaign for the fifth edition of the tournament. The campaign titled 'Aisa Mauka Aur Kahan Milega' shows the opportunity the cricket league brings for cricket fans. The campaign has been created by JWT and directed by Rajesh Sathi of Keroscene Films.
Leading to the main film, Max, had released four short films.
The short films show light-hearted situations of how the IPL gives a 'mauka' (opportunity) for families to come together, children to stay awake till late and friends to bunk work to watch the tournament together.
The grand film shows the same on a higher scale as a town gets together in the streets to watch a game from the Indian Premier League outside a television store.
Commenting on the campaign, Neeraj Vyas, executive vice president and business head, Max said, "We set out to create a unique piece of communication for a very unique property, which is the DLF IPL. We at Max are proud to bring our viewers the ‘mauka’ to enjoy DLF IPL 2012 and we are certain that our communication campaign ‘Aisa Mauka Aur Kahan Milega’ will only take the this tournament to greater heights. The films capture the one emotion that binds our country – the undying passion for cricket everywhere.”
Gaurav Seth, senior vice president, marketing and communications, Max, added, “The IPL campaigns on Max have always been distinctive and path-breaking. With the ‘Aisa Mauka Aur Kahan Milega’ campaign this year, we want to bring alive the obsession and passion of the IPL, which brings people together across the country with their friends and families, to enjoy the biggest extravaganza on Indian television. We look forward to yet another record breaking edition of the DLF IPL."
Commenting on the thought and insight for the film, Priya Pardiwalla, vice president and senior creative director, JWT said, "For this edition of the DLF IPL, we have created a campaign that's very real and based on strong human insights. Whether it's Phuphaji, the friends film or India accumulating outside a TV showroom, the campaign reflects Steve and my true life experiences".
Steve Mathias, associate vice president and senior creative director added, "The campaign focuses on opportunities and how IPL touches people's lives. It's been a great team effort. While Rajesh became a part of the writing process, Priya and me became a part of the making and production team. Max, JWT and Keroscene have collaborated and worked together as one soul".
Rajesh Sathi, director of the films, said “It has been a fun journey creating the communication campaign for the DLF IPL. While the smaller 4 films ‘family photo’, ‘phupaji’, ‘summer vacation’ and ‘friends’ have been simple insights, the finale film is a dhamaal, earthy, India street film shot with a massive crowd. Ravi K Chandran has shot it aesthetically and R Anandh has created the music including the rock qawalli ‘tashreef tokra’ with lyrics by Manoj Yadav".
Max started its communication for the IPL six weeks prior to the start of the tournament. Alongwith the TVC the campaign also has a presence across print, radio, internet, outdoor, mobile, BTL and OOH. The fifth edition of the Indian Premier League begins on 4 April 2012.
Client: Max
Agency: JWT India
Chief creative officer: Bobby Pawar
National creative director: Tista Sen
Senior creative director: Steve Mathias, Priya Pardiwalla
Copy writer: Steve Mathias, Priya Pardiwalla
Art director: Steve Mathias, Priya Pardiwalla
Account management: Ashish Medhekar, Gautam Roy, Mustafa Nalwalla.