P&G Shiksha, the CSR program of P&G India, has rolled out a film that narrates the story of two girls from a rural town (Munni and Vidya) who realise their dream of attending school and receiving education.
Conceptualised by Leo Burnett India, the film shows the story of a family on a staycation at a hill station. The two girls, Munni and Vidya, are peeping into the house to see what's happening and inside. Their day is interrupted because of low internet connectivity which leads to the child's online school being interrupted. The two girls outside laugh about the same but are then disappointed when the connectivity returns. One of them states that while the young girl's online school has returned, their school in the village has not returned. The film goes on to reveal that P&G Shiksha, helps girls like them with schooling as it creates schools through this CSR programme.
Girish Kalyanaraman, vice president – marketing operations, P&G India, said, “We know that education is essential for the development of children and society’s growth at large. Education is critical, now more than ever, given the prolonged closure of schools and the impact on children due to the pandemic. During this challenging time, we upgraded P&G Shiksha with online education so that thousands of children could continue learning from home. We hope the film builds an emotional connection with the audience and inspires them to do their bit towards Shiksha.”
Rajdeepak Das, MD India and chief creative officer – South Asia, Leo Burnett, said, “The lockdown pushed one part of India into online schooling overnight. We have seen when the internet is down, and the child loses even 5 mins of online class there is chaos in the house to get the class back online. And then there is another India where kids don’t have any hope of getting education because there is no school in their entire vicinity. This film portrays the contrast between both worlds in one frame. P&G Shiksha always gives us a canvas to tell a powerful humankind story to the world where they can act and bring about a change.”