Online rummy platform Rummy Time has rolled out a campaign to highlight the various features of the platform. Conceptualised by Grey Group, Bengaluru, the films highlight the platform's offering - providing free tournaments to users, every 30 minutes.
The films open with an excited player sitting next to a friend, who is already preparing for the consequences of their neighbour’s excitement with regards to their win. Both the films end with the neighbour asking the viewers why the winners cannot celebrate more calmly.
Ketan Desai, COO, Grey Group, said, “The task was to differentiate Rummy Time from other Rummy platforms. While the offerings may be common, how does one bring it to the audience that is relatable to them? Involving YouTube influencers Nikhil Vijay and Vineet Beep Kumar was the starting point for us.”
Gautam Bhasin, executive creative director, Grey Bangalore, said, “These quirky short films are all about the rush a Rummy player experiences winning a hand. And when there are a host of offerings that help him do that, one can’t control that joy and it gets out on others.”
The two-film campaign launched in the West and South of India talks about the thrill one experiences while playing a game of rummy on Rummy Time. It captures the moment where not just the player but also the people around partake – whether cheerfully or not is still up for debate – in the exhilaration of winning. Whether it is the sheepish sidekick of the burly Nikhil Vijay who timorously prepares for what’s to come next, or the exasperated partner of Vineet Beep Kumar making tactful arrangements for her
husband’s inevitable outburst, when it comes to winning on Rummy Time, no one is free from the exaggerated enthusiasm.
The films have been rolled out on the brand's YouTube channel and OTT platforms.
Creative agency: Grey Group Bangalore
Chairman and group chief executive officer: Anusha Shetty
MD and chief creative officer: Sandipan Bhattacharyya
Chief operating officer and president: Ketan Desai
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