Financial services provider, Tata Capital, has launched a campaign urging millennials and GenZ to make the most of 2020.
The campaign consists of a video conceived around the idea that there are 11 more months for young India to achieve their financial goals and they can count on Tata Capital for the same. The video isl being promoted on social media platforms – Facebook, Instagram and YouTube from 23 January, 2020.
A research on millennial and GenZ behavior indicates that this target group talks about making it ‘their’ year but give into their cravings of instant gratification and non- essential spending. The video based on time travel and shows a seemingly laid back young boy talking to his future self about how because of his attitude of just saying ‘that this year is going to be my year’ and not actually acting on it, even 30 years later he is not able to establish a settled life for himself or have a concrete financial plan.
Abonty Banerjee, CMO and CDO, Tata Capital said, “The insight was that this enthusiastic lot of people start a new year with great vigor, and as reality kicks in, concepts of ‘you only live once’, and wish for instant gratification shifts their focus from financial planning. Before the first month of the year is over, there is a feeling of “this is not my year but maybe next year can be mine” that is triggered. The video is a humorous take urging consumers to stop procrastinating and saying ‘2020 is not my year’ and that Tata Capital will facilitate their journey to financial independence.”