Name: Bhavik Bhandari
Job: Chief sales and marketing officer (CSMO), Ashwin Sheth Group
Professional mantra: Discover your mind—as everything is a mindset
Personal mantra: Life is all about relationships, value them
6:30am: Wake up. Start the day with a moment of gratitude and prayer—a 15-year habit— providing focus and positive energy. I avoid looking at my phone for the first hour of the day.
6:30am—7:00am: My morning routine includes watering plants and feeding local birds—a therapeutic start that brings happiness.
7:00am—7:15am: I spend quality time with my son discussing his day ahead, including school and tuition updates, and enjoying some light father-son conversations.
7:30am—7:45am: I catch up with my wife about the day's plans and any reminders.
7:45am—8:30am: A brisk 45-minute walk to clear my thoughts, plan the day, and set priorities.
8:30am—9:30am: Get ready for work, perform a quick prayer, and enjoy breakfast. It's usually a glass of vegetable juice with a paneer sandwich or chilla.
9:30am: Commute to the office, using this time for routine calls to family, department heads and friends, and catch up on the equity markets and top news stories.
10:15am—1:30pm: Focus on the top three tasks, meet with key stakeholders and heads of departments, align teams, and review business numbers and strategies.
1:30pm—2:15pm: Lunch break—check in with my family and enjoy a stroll to refresh for the afternoon.
2:30pm—7:00pm: Conduct urgent meetings, site visits, departmental alignments, and address team issues, being hands-on where needed.
7:00pm—7:15pm: Engage in light conversations with the team to relieve any of the day's stress and check on their well-being.
7:15pm: End the workday and head home, looking forward to reading time later in the evening.
7:45pm—8:00pm: Unwind at home with a cup of tea or coffee with my son, sharing light moments and reconnecting.
8:30pm—9:30pm: Dinner with family, sharing daily highlights and playing chess with my son to foster his intellectual curiosity.
9:30pm—10:30pm: Family time watching a movie or a show, a perfect way to decompress from the day.
10:30pm—11:00pm: Personal 'me-time' dedicated to reading.
11:00pm—11:30pm: Prepare for the next day by organising schedules and jotting down tasks and ideas.
11:45pm: Retire for the day, ready for a restful night's sleep.