Name: Mehul Gupta
Job: Co-founder and CEO at SoCheers
Professional mantra: Work towards the goal, but make sure the journey is fun.
Personal mantra: You will be where you're supposed to be at the right place at the right time. Trust the process.
7:30-8:15 AM: I wake up to my daughter announcing that the sun is out and it's "wakie-wakie" time, followed by my morning coffee, some relaxing music, and no phone.
8:15-9:30 AM: A quick 15-minute phone catch-up, followed by a morning fitness routine that includes power yoga, breathing exercises, and meditation.
10:30 AM-1:00 PM: I reach the office and get started on my focused tasks for the day. I prefer to do my thinking, planning, and strategic input meetings before lunch, as it enables me to get all the creative parts of my job done before I get into the management side of things.
1:00-2:30 PM: I'm always in work mode during the workday, so my lunchtime also involves work discussions and talks. I'm usually chatting with some of our peers or team members about a project or another. This time usually helps me understand any blockers or problems that I may need to address.
2:30-6:00 PM: Internal meetings, external meetings, or anything that needs my managerial attention fit into these slots. This is usually the best time to get my intervention on the more execution-oriented side of our business.
6:00-8:00 PM: I try to wrap up work as early as possible, although calls, meetings, and traffic may sometimes seep into this time. If I've managed to get free early, I like taking my daughter to parks or beaches and spending some time getting fresh air. I also enjoy indulging in some sports—badminton and tennis are my go-tos.
8:00-10:00 PM: Unwinding time with the family. Recapping the day's highlights, we like to sit around and share things with each other, followed by dinner and then a bedtime routine for my daughter. I think this is the best part of my day when we read books, listen to stories, and talk about plans we have for the next day or the weekend.
10:00-11:00 PM: I like to unwind at the end of the day with a Kindle, mentally planning my next day, or sometimes just catching up on some TV content. I follow Formula One (F1), so my weekend evenings are usually dedicated to that. Over the weekends, I try to fit in a boys' night, a party night, and some fun activities with my daughter.