This week's Adland Rockstar is Arnab Biswas, creative team leader, Mccan Erickson Delhi.
Because I am a mad scientist and this is the only profession that allows me to stay sane. Everyday I concoct different potions, blow up things, bring the dead back to life. Meet other madcap’s and the added benefit, get awarded for all this.
One thing you love about your job?
Because it lets me have fun. Where else can you expect to find such conglomeration of strategic & creative thinking, other than advertising? It helps me create something new something astounding.
One thing you hate about your job?
I don’t hate anything about it. My girlfriend does because I don’t go back home
One person outside advertising you'd like to have dinner with
I would definitely like to have dinner with the Pans Labyrinth director Mr. Guillermo Del Toro and drug him to get into his head. I am in complete awe of his work.
One seemingly bizarre idea you'd like to execute?
I am making graphic illustrations of Mr Manmohan Singh to put on t-shirts. If people can have che why not him he’s the one who bought the economic revolution to India & one of the most intelligent prime ministers in the world.
One campaign you wish you'd done?
I love the Ben and Jerry’s work that’s done by Ogilvy and Mather Singapore. It's mind boggling.
If you've missed any of our previous Adland Rockstars, you can check them out below: