AR Rahman is slated to perform live on the Tonight show with Jay Leno. He will be accompanied on the show by Slumdog Millionaire's leading lady Freida Pinto. The telecast is scheduled to be aired tonight on Zee Café at 10pm. This is the first time that an Indian will be performing live on the celebrated chat show. It is understood that one of the numbers that the singer/composer will be performing includes the hit number 'Jai ho' on the show.
AR Rahman to perform live on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno
AR Rahman is slated to perform live on the Tonight show with Jay Leno. He will be accompanied on the show by Slumdog Millionaire's leading lady Freida Pinto. The telecast is scheduled to be aired tonight on Zee Café at 10pm. This is the first time that an Indian will be performing live on the celebrated chat show. It is understood that one of the numbers that the singer/composer will be performing includes the hit number 'Jai ho' on the show.
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