Type of agency: Advertising
Company ownership: Independent
Key personnel: Sajan Raj Kurup, founder & creative chairman, Chetan Desai, CEO New Ventures, Vikram Gaikwad, partner and ECD, Anu Joseph, ECD, Sajiv Kurup, COO
Accounts won: Audi India, JM Financial, Coffee Day Square, Coffee Day Lounge, Hippo baked Snacks
Accounts lost: None reported
Winning the Audi lead business against larger networks was a significant statement to the market and that will undoubtedly be the agency’s defining moment this year. On the business front, Creativeland had three major campaigns for the summer from the Parle stable- Hippo, Frooti and LMN. In addition, the agency won the mandate for JM Financials. New people joining the agency included Chetan Desai, CEO Ventures; Vinta Nanda, Creative Director- Television Content; Ruchi Muley, senior operations partner; Satya Shetty – chief implementation officer. Creativeland promoted Anu Joseph to the post of executive creative director. The agency won one silver Lion at Cannes this year for its work on Frooti and Medimix, and a Silver Spike at Spikes Asia for Frooti. Its Twitter inventory tracker for Hippo got them significant chatter both at home and abroad at award shows, winning them a shortlist at Cannes this year, a Gold at the Yahoo! Big Idea Chair and a chance to speak at Twitter’s conference in San Fransisco. Interesting, clutter breaking work that has got the young agency noticed so far and a big automotive brand to its kitty makes 2010 a very good year, indeed for Creativeland Asia.
How Campaign India rates the agency: 8
How Creativeland Asia rated itself: 8
#officestarts8.30am, #Bigbusinesswins, #AudiIndia, #TWTRCON2010, #SanFrancisco, #mostinnovativedigitalcasestudy, #hellomehippocasestudy, #Effies, #YahooBigideaChairGolds, #GoafestNo4, #IndieRockers BE, #IntegratedDesign&Communication, #CrowdsourcingInventoryTracking, #1stIndianIndependentinTop Independents of the Worldlist, #CampaignLondon, #SHOTS125India’s mostdynamicindieagencies, #TheMillUK, #Collaboration, #Doctors&NursesThemeParty, #SantacruzWest, #5000sftoffice, #FrootiMangoSurprise, #CannesLionsBigWinners, #SHOTS123, #SHOTS121, #LMN, #Most popularIndianTVCs, #AlltimeTop 20AsianTVCs, #D&ADin-book, #OneShow, #AdfestWinners, #Produced1stFeatureFilm, #SpikesAsiawinners, #Medimixhandmadeposters, #LMNBushmenSeries, #Mostpreferredcreativeofficestoworkfor, #mostlovedworkoftheyear, #youngcreative.org, #buyoutoffers, #rejectedbuyoutoffers, #72citizens, #890waitlistedapplicants, #hatedbynetworkagencyheads, #cuttingedgestrategy, #HippoRoundRound, #roundtablelunches, #officeends5.30pm