How much time really does a Cannes juror get to understand a case or piece of work s/he hasn't come across before? Too little. It's up to us to help them get acquainted with the good work prior.
While we do that through the year, this Riviera season we have decided to go the extra mile to celebrate the contenders.
We present here entries from Indian / South Asian agencies that their creators believe will be in contention for Lions at the 2016 International Festival of Creativity, Cannes.
Rediffusion Y&R believes it has one contender.
"We had conceptualised an innovative idea to play with 1500 Dots through outdoor installation for Moods Condoms.
Despite being the origin of Kamasutra, people in India are surprisingly shy to talk openly about sex thereby condoms.
Only 5 per cent purchase (Source: Nielsen Retail India) reflects the stigma attached as people are embarrassed to buy condoms. Moods being the largest selling condom brand in India, wanted to promote the use of condoms without making the consumer uncomfortable.
Rediffusion YR conceptualised the installation ideas with balls signifying the dots on the condom for enhanced pleasure. Installations with Telephone booth, car and bathtub filled with the balls were set up in buzzing malls, exhibiting these red colored dots with one striking message; ‘Play with 1500 dots’.
The very first installation went live around the Valentine’s Day earlier this year, and recently another set of installations were seen creating buzz.
The idea has been receiving favorable responses by all. Some clicked pictures; some asked questions, while some even carried them back home waiting to be pleasantly surprised with condoms inside them. All in all these installations created a successful interactive forum making a conversation reserved for closed doors, the talk of the town."
The work is being entered in the 'Direct' and 'Outdoor' categories.
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