Effie Worldwide has announced the launch of Effie Asia-Pacific, in partnership with the Confederation of Asian Advertising Agencies Association (CAAAA). With this addition Effie Worldwide’s international network now expands to 40 national and four regional programmes.
Carl Johnson, chairman of the board of directors, Effie Worldwide, and co-founder of Amomaly, said, "Given rate of changes in media, technology, consumer behavior, and even business models, there's never been a more demanding or exciting time to be focused on delivering effectiveness in marketing. The CAAAA is the ideal partner to make global marketers better and stronger through Effie APAC."
The Effie APAC will be organised by the CAAAA and managed by Tenasia Group. It will recognise effective work that has run in the region.
Anthony Kang, chair, CAAAA, said, "The Effie Awards is the world’s most established and recognised award competition for marketing effectiveness and we are certainly delighted to partner Effie Worldwide in organising the Asia-Pacific program.”
Daryl Lee, global chief executive officer, UM and board of directors, Effie Worldwide, said, “Asia-Pacific is a key subject on every global marketer's mind, along with the ever-important subject of effectiveness. Effie is now more than ever, the global authority on marketing effectiveness."
A full list of Effie programs worldwide can be found at www.effie.org.