Peter Stringham, CEO, Young & Rubicam Brands, helped shed some light on the merger of Enfatico with Young & Rubicam Brands.
“Enfatico is becoming a Young & Rubicam Brands company. It will have access to our family of companies, including Y&R, Wunderman, Penn Schoen and Landor, among other companies. Going forward, we’ll have to determine what resources we will draw from our group to support Dell’s needs,” Stringham told Campaign India.
"As of now, I can tell you that the immediate change is that (Enfatico CEO) Torrence Boone will report to me. Nothing further has been determined,” he added
On whether the Indian communication needs of Dell would be met by Rediffusion Y&R (it is currently handled by Bates), Stringham said, “Again, it’s early. We are going to look at how Enfatico is serving Dell around the world. Where we believe there are additional resources we can bring to bear, we will do so. It’s premature for me to speculate on the role of any individual company in our group.”
(Read Campaign India's story on Enfatico being aligned to Y&R, here.)