Filmfare has introduced a new edition in Hindi, starting with the May 2011 issue.
Tarun Rai, chief executive officer, Worldwide Media, said, “There are other film magazines but none of the stature and lineage of Filmfare. We wanted to give more people access to Filmfare’s quality journalism its vivid photographs and excellent production values. Our research has shown t at there is a big market for Filmfare Hindi and we expect Filmfare Hindi to be a huge hit.”
Commenting on the content of the Hindi edition, Anupama Bhalla, brand publisher, Filmfare, Filmfare (Hindi), Hello, Grazia, Trends, said, “While the magazine format and sections will be the same, being a monthly, Filmfare Hindi will be a combination of articles which will be found in the English edition and will have some exclusive content as well.”
Asked what are WWM's expectations from the launch, she said, “With this launch we hope to reach out to readers who are movie buffs and consume newspapers and magazines in Hindi. It is a large market that is well versed with Filmfare through the Filmfare Awards and other activations that the magazine has and may have been exposed to the English edition as well. Now we are taking the step to ensure that this reader gets great quality content to consume in Hindi.”