As we approach the end of the year, it is time for Campaign India's fourth Agency Report Card. This year's Report Card will appear in the issue dated 16 December, 2011.
This year, Campaign India has increased the number of creative and media agencies analysed.
The jury consist of six members from the industry and they will be revealed in the Agency Report Card issue.
The process that has been followed is: First the set of data (news and reports about the agency published during 2011) was sent to the jury. After which the jury members sent their scores for the analysed agencies.
Suresh Ramakrishnan, publishing director of Haymarket India said, "As the industry evolves, so must the Agency Report Card, and hence, we have chosen to appoint a jury from this year onwards. We feel this is important in order to understand what kind of year it has been, how the nature of the business is changing and the challenges and things to watch."
Today, the jury meet day was scheduled at the Pipal Conference Room in the Haymarket office.