Hungama has partnered with the upcoming Shah Rukh Khan starrer 'Billu' and created an application for social networking sites. The core thought behind the creation of this application was the theme of the movie - rekindling old friendships. Named 'Dosti ke Rang, Shahrukh ke Sang', the application enables old, sometimes forgotten friends from school, college, etc. to reunite.
Speaking about the application, Neeraj Roy, managing director and CEO, Hungama said, "With the film Billu, Hungama has taken the theme of the movie and created a relevant product for the digital platform. The application brings alive the theme of the film on social networking sites, which - in a manner of speaking - are catalysts in reconnecting old friends."
Users, after downloading the application, can create group photographs that will look like class photos taken in school, with SRK seated right in the centre. Moreover, the actor will choose a gang of friends who have been most innovative in using the application, and will himself be a part of their actual reunion that will be hosted by Hungama Digital.
Additionally, Hungama has also cashed in on the 'barber' element of the movie, by adding a feature in the application that enables users to virtually style each others' hair. Speaking about this feature, Punyashlok Bhakta, head-marketing, Hungama said, "We've added some fun to the application, by letting users create their own virtual salons."
Speaking further about the promoting Billu through the digital medium, Bhakta said, "With this whole venture, we're trying to actively bring in more consumers and engage them with the movie in a passion where the digital medium does justice."
The company says that the winning gang will be announced at the end of three months.
Hungama creates application to promote upcoming SRK feature
Hungama has partnered with the upcoming Shah Rukh Khan starrer 'Billu' and created an application for social networking sites. The core thought behind the creation of this application was the theme of the movie - rekindling old friendships. Named 'Dosti ke Rang, Shahrukh ke Sang', the application enables old, sometimes forgotten friends from school, college, etc. to reunite.
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