Kyoorius Designyatra is traveling to Malaysia. To coincide with the celebrations of the 30th anniversary of the Kancil Awards Festival, the Association of Accredited Advertising Agents, Malaysia (AAAA) alongwith Kyoorius Exchange will present Kyoorius Designyatra 2008 in Malaysia. Kyoorius Designyatra in Malaysia is scheduled for November 13—14, 2008.
The first edition of Kyoorius Designyatra took place in Goa in 2006. Its Southeast Asian counterpart will be held in countries such as Singapore, Indonesia and Thailand in the forthcoming years. The organisers say the Malaysian debut will expect to attract more than 800 participants from Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Korea and beyond.
Kyoorius Designyatra has been designed as a knowledge-sharing platform for members from the international creative fraternity to exchange ideas and insights on the future of design and highlight exciting new innovations in the field of design. Speakers expected in the Malaysian edition include Wally Olins (Saffron Brand Consultants), Neville Brody (Research Studios), Simon Dixon and Aporva Baxi (DixonBaxi), Vince Frost (Frost*) and Paul Hughes (Lava) among others.