Launched by the India Today Group in partnership with The Daily Mail of UK in 2007 in Delhi/NCR, Mail Today has revealed that it has reached circulation figures of 2 lakhs. Commenting on the same, Suresh Balakrishna, chief operating officer, Mail Today, said, “I feel what has clicked for us is the approach of reaching out to a focused TG. The focused approach when combined with a highly differentiated product was bound for success. Targeted at the new Indian middle class, Mail Today has constantly strived to reflect the values and aspirations of this new and influential segment in urban metros.”
Devesh Rai, head - marketing and circulation, added, “What makes our achievement even more commendable is that the right TG is picking us and now we reach 2 lakh homes with relevant audience for our advertiser. And it’s only going to get better with our plans of further increase in circulation which will be supported by extensive marketing promotion.”
Mail Today is said to claim an ad volume of 26 percent amongst main issues of newspapers in the Delhi market. According to Abhay Desai, associate publisher, Mail Today, advertising volume has grown by more than 100% over the last year and the average number of ad pages per edition has nearly doubled. “Thanks to the quality of our readership, which is predominantly SEC A, we have been able to win the faith of some key advertisers like – Maruti Suzuki, Pepsi Co., LG Electronics, GM, Future Group, Bharti, Rcom,” he disclosed.