Weekends is refreshment time. A time to introspect, reconnect, re-ignite and rejuvenate. A conscious exercise to wash away the tardiness of the week gone by and inhale a breath of fresh air to face the headiness of the week to come.
This weekend, I plan to start afresh by dedicating an entire block of 12 hours to watch Lord of the Rings back-to-back (the un-edited six DVD set is that long!).
Next up on the agenda is hitting Big Chill Café for a sinful Italian binge complete with Lasagna, three-chicken pizza and topped with a gorgon slice of Double Chocolate Decadence. To follow that up will ideally be a piping hot, long, lazy, luxurious sudsy bath finished with an aromatic DIY Hair Spa … this would definitely mean at least two hours! And to bring such wantonly rebellious indulgence to a fitting finale, my new Europe-imported mink blanket shall become my home and shelter for a good 12 hour long lazy snooze…and all shall come to pass before the dreaded Monday sun arises once again! Amen.