Prasad Sangameshwaran
May 02, 2017

Opinion: Those were the days

In Greek, 'nostalgia' is the suffering caused by an unappeased yearning to return. This writer has been experiencing some of that over the extended weekend.

Opinion: Those were the days
It was a grinding stone at home that raised this whole debate. It was occupying a lot of space and there was an overwhelming majority that wanted to cast it away. I was the lone opposition member.
For me, the grinding stone was a wonderful reminder of the glorious cooking rituals that we had grown-up witnessing. It was a happy flash-back on how food tasted divine, even if it took ten-times more effort in the making. I may be the loner at home, but the world outside has a lot many like me.
Deloitte Global predicts that “vinyl will continue its remarkable resurgence”. This audio format who peak sales both in number of units sold and revenues was in the late 1970s, might touch $ 1 billion in revenues globally for the first time this millennium. Deloitte Global also predicts that vinyl revenues and unit sales are likely to enjoy a double digit growth for the seventh consecutive year in 2017.
For this niche audience of about 20 million buyers globally, the vinyl has become an expression of individuality in an increasingly digital world. Hence many might not consume music predominantly through this medium, it will be a star collectible or proud memento to their children and grandchildren.
Back to food, the entire selling proposition of cold-pressed is a concept of a bygone era. I remember my years as a toddler when we were treated to sumptuous fare where the chutney was cold pressed, the dough used to make delicious pancakes were cold pressed too. The coffee that was powdered at home was also cold pressed, so was the juice in those vintage juicers.
Now, we as customers do not mind paying a premium for mass produced drinks that command a price for being cold pressed. We as consumers possibly throw things away only to rediscover their value when they are long gone. 
Till everybody (at least in my household) sees merit in that argument, that grinding stone is going to be a millstone around my neck.
Campaign India

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