The third edition of PrintWeek India’s The 1000 in partnership with Xerox India is out. The 182-page collector's item will be distributed to a an exclusive database of buyers of printing services, brand managers and key clients.
Suresh Ramakrishnan, publisher, Haymarket Media, said, "At PrintWeek India, we strive to make The 1000 as comprehensive as possible. The 1000 firms that are included in The 1000 have to adhere to the 5P test: printability, profitability, performance, progressiveness and popularity."
Ramakrishnan added, "Our system to collate The 1000 is to promote the fact that we’re putting together the best of the best. The PrintWeek India team has visited most of the firms that are a part of this elite group - and thereby estimate the companies, and also update The 1000 at the end of the year. Naturally some firms are better at information exchange than others."
Contrary to ‘market sentiment’, PrintWeek India analysis finds that the big news of 2012 for the industry comprised investments, sales and higher profits.
Ramakrishnan explained, "At PrintWeek India, we believe the signs for the 2013 are positive. And this is what we - along with our partners Xerox India - are celebrating: The 1000 (classified into The 300 and The 700)."
Vipin Tuteja, executive director, technology channels and international business, Xerox India, said, “Xerox is pleased to be partnering with The 1000, which aims to promote the Indian print industry, which today is taking initiative to adopt new technology, is alert to market trends and has the ability to cater to the print buyers. These are the characteristics which sets these 1000 companies apart.”
(Disclosure: PrintWeek India and Campaign India are editorially exclusive titles published by Haymarket Media (India) Pvt. Limited)