The company has partnered with Apollo Hospitals and the Times of India to give the campaign credibility, scale and stature, thus, revealing its intentions to make this drive a nation-wide one that will sensitize everyone towards their ‘heart health.” An integrated logo unit was unveiled along with the print campaign in the Times of India yesterday to kick-start the initiative.

Said Rajesh Ramakrishnan, EVP – consumer strategy, NBD & Quaker, “Quaker Oats has become the market leader in India in a short span of just over two years. The aim of the Quaker Oats-The Times of India-Apollo Heart Health Mission is to make Indians heart healthy by raising awareness about their risk of heart disease.”
Straddling an alarming statistic that close to 46.9 million Indians will suffer from heart diseases by 2010, Quaker Oats has built the 360-degree campaign around the creative concept “Make India heart healthy.” Targeting middle class husbands and wives, 30 years and above with hectic lifestyles, the initiative leads with a print campaign into a digital one, followed by television campaign that will break on September 18.
Quaker Oats has developed a portal www.goodmorningheart.com which helps assess risks associated with the heart and provides a range of solutions and information on how to stay ‘Heart Healthy.’ Banners on mass portals such as Yahoo and Google have been rolled out to create an initial buzz and lead users towards the Quaker portal.
“Quaker Oats aims to gain heart health propriety in India. In order to launch such a mass movement, we needed a powerful idea that could sensitize the entire nation and own thought leadership,” explained Manish Aggarwal, director, invention, Mindshare.
Besides launching the campaign on television, radio, digital and print, Quaker Oats will roll out activation campaigns in phases, the firs being a partnership with the Chennai Marathon being held on September 27. “We aim to engage with our target audience at all possible touch points,” added Aggarwal.