Radio Audience Measurement (RAM) has launched its services in Kolkata. RAM was launched in September 2007 in Delhi, Mumbai and Bengaluru. It is a joint service between IMRB International and Nielsen Media Research and is an independent division of TAM Media Research.
The key highlights of the RAM Kolkata survey include: 65% of the people are radio owners in Kolkata and 98% of all radio owners are FM owners. Among FM Owners, only radio with FM includes 68%, 40% have mobile phone with FM, 25% have two-in-one with FM, 7% have hi-fi system with FM and 4% have walkman / discman with FM. In the demographic break-up, 18% of the FM owners are from SEC A, 25% from SEC B, 20% from SEC C and 37% are from SEC D/E. In the age wise break up, 28% of the FM owners are from the age group 45+ years, 22% from 25-34, 19% from 35-44, 13% from 20-24, 12% from 15-19 and 7% from 12-14.
The time spent on radio during holidays is 110 minutes for FM owners and 55 minutes for FM owners. During weekdays, the time spent by FM owners is 105 minutes and 69 minutes by non-owners. The average time spent on TV during holidays is 128 minutes by FM owners and 114 minutes by non- owners. The average time spent on TV during weekdays is 110 minutes by FM owners and 103 minutes by non- owners. The average time spent on print during holidays is 32 minutes by FM owners and 26 minutes by non- owners and the average time spent on print during weekdays is 29 minutes by FM owners and 24 minutes by non- owners. So interestingly, time spent in listening to radio is currently more than the time spent on print in Kolkata.
Across different markets, RAM data shows that 63% people in Kolkata have radio with FM, 69% in Mumbai, 82% in Bangalore and 91% in Delhi. In Mumbai, 49% people have mobile phone with FM, 41% have only radio with FM. In Delhi, 73% people have only radio with FM and 39% have mobile phones with FM. In Bengaluru, 58% have only radio with FM and 40% have two in one with FM. In Kolkata, 68% have only radio with FM and 40% have mobile phones with FM. The average weekly FM reach is 91% in Delhi and Kolkata both, 97% in Mumbai and 99% in Delhi. The average weekly time spent on radio is 708 minutes in Mumbai, 838 in Delhi, 1321 in Kolkata and 1469 in Bengaluru.
RAM is now looking to expand in markets like Hyderabad and Chennai soon. "We are currently in talks with the industry players to launch RAM in these two markets," said LV Krishnan, CEO, TAM Media Research. The other developments include the launch of two new modules-station loyalty and ebb and flow in the July release of the Radio Advisor (Training user groups on RAM India's specialist Analysis & Planning tool). The reach and frequency module is getting re-calibrated for the panel and will allow post-evaluations on actual data. They are also planning to launch a one-on-one advertiser customised RAM workshop and an e-curriculum module which is being re-worked on basis of RAM India methodology.