Santosh Padhi, chief creative officer and co-founder, Taproot India has been invited to judge the Kancil Awards 2011. The annual event, organised by Association of Accredited Advertising Agents Malaysia (AAAA) is acknowledged as Malaysia's largest, most prestigious advertising awards competition.

Commenting on the challenges of judging an award for a foreign country, Padhi, said, “I am judging this kind of awards for the first time. Last year, I was supposed to go to Sri Lanka to judge ‘Chilli awards’ which operates in a similar fashion, but unfortunately couldn't make it. I am being tested once again for a similar process. I think before picking the idea it will be very important for me to understand the local/cultural insight or connect, as most of the work will have the cultural connect and with other local juries in the room can be handy at times to take me through the cultural hurdle. I am also looking forward to learn few hard core Malaysian things in the coming week for sure.”
The awards have been on from at least 1978, when it was called the ‘6As’. In 1995 this annual premier event was re-named the Kancil Awards. The organisers have invited three other international judges from Asia to be part of the jury which will also include other local judges. The awards will be held on 15 December.