Wedding Anniversary on 12. Valentine's Day on 14. First Date Anniversary on 18. Damn, I'm going broke! Does HDFC give a Love Loan?
— Sorabh Pant (@hankypanty) February 14, 2013
most entertainment is an escape from reality, sport is an escape into reality. may it long be that way.
— Harsha Bhogle (@bhogleharsha) February 15, 2013
Gradually brand's are moving from functional benefits to an emotional connect..and they are doing good..#Corona --> twitter.com/writetopiyush/…
— पीयूष (@writetopiyush) February 15, 2013
14,600 cr biscuits! 121 biscuits each for 1.2 bill Indians. Parle-G hits the billion dollar mark. Awesome. #ET
— Suprio Guha Thakurta (@eastbengal) February 13, 2013
All insurance ads have a line 'Insurance is the subject matter of solicitation'. Incomprehensible to humans. Then why have it?
— Anand Halve (@anandhalve) February 15, 2013
Just read about Pizza Hut launching a perfume with pizza fragrance. YUK.
— Diksha (@ChalHuttt) February 14, 2013
Kolkata airport = patna station + computers.
— Vir Das (@thevirdas) February 3, 2013
Why is LinkedIn excited about whose profile was viewed the most? More important, why are people tweeting and facebooking about it?
— Sachin Kalbag (@SachinKalbag) February 12, 2013
Rumi may have died in 1273, but every person who has stayed in a hostel has had a roomie.
— Karthik Srinivasan (@beastoftraal) February 14, 2013
Life is not like T20 or ODI. It's the most like Test. You have to work at it, last out the full period, and no one gives a shit about it.
— Kunal Rao (@kunalrao) February 14, 2013