Wrong question... Can online activism drive an offline revolution? Actual scenario... Offline rage is driving the online revolutions.
— Sunil Rajguru (@sunilrajguru) July 3, 2013
IIFA is Bollywood's offsite
— Rohan Joshi (@mojorojo) July 3, 2013
My timeline makes me feel I live in an extraordinarily intelligent universe. Then I realise that I chose who to follow.
— Madhavan Narayanan (@madversity) July 5, 2013
Just saw both "Chicken Kali Mirch" and "Chicken Pepper Masala" in the "gravies" section of an Indian restaurant's delivery menu. #WTF
— Madhu Menon (@madmanweb) July 5, 2013
Regardless of predictions the weather does what it pleases. Likewise, words spoken by reverend/pujari cannot change outcome of the ceremony
— AD (@anaggh) July 5, 2013
Rs 2,500 crore seized from four trucks in Mumbai. Must have been the driver's fuel allowance. http://t.co/dnYLHwfGgc
— Ramesh Srivats (@rameshsrivats) July 2, 2013
Vegetarians are Gosht Busters.
— Ajay Gahlaut (@meajay) July 5, 2013