Well played, Canada. Well played. pic.twitter.com/0VKWJFYkk8
— Meg (@meg_gyver) October 15, 2014
Diesel prices coming down....welcome news ! What next ? Interest rates ??
— Vivek Nayer (@Vivek_Nayer) October 15, 2014
True leaders have to be unreasonable.
— AD (@anaggh) October 17, 2014
First,Karnataka sales tax got Amazon. Now ED probes Flipkart.Indian e-commerce is like Bollywood. Police arrives while dishoom-dishoom is on
— Madhavan Narayanan (@madversity) October 14, 2014
i can’t decide if this bus is being supportive or threatening me pic.twitter.com/Vb5bdshxRM
— BHM (@BreezeHaveMercy) October 17, 2014
Remember when people weren't stupid? Me neither.
— Grumpy Cat (@lm_GrumpyCat) October 17, 2014
I think we may see some surprise results now that there are no alliances in Maharashtra.
— Pritish Nandy (@PritishNandy) October 15, 2014
The highest paid female CEO in the US, Martine Rothblatt, was born a male.
— UberFacts (@UberFacts) October 16, 2014