The lockdown has seen a huge surge in fitness- particularly, at-home fitness. People are more concerned than they have ever been about their fitness levels – with the now more or less mandatory decreased levels of activity. Luckily, there are a ton of free workouts out there for gym buffs who want to stay fit. But a growing number of people out there are also looking at tracking their activity. For this week’s edition of BOB, we’ll take a look at Fitbit and Amazfit and what the buzz around them looks like from all around the world – not just India.
Talkwalker, a social media analytics company, based in Luxembourg, provides information on the using their platform. Talkwalker Analytics analyses the performance of mentions all over the internet and provides key metrics such as engagement, related themes, demographic data, geographic data and influencer data.
1. Mentions:
We took a look at data from March 23rd to July 31st for the purpose of this post and it looks like Fitbit(in lime green) – an old, established player- is ahead of the curve compared to Amazfit (dark pink). But digging deeper into the mentions, we can see that Fitbit has become almost a part of life for some and there are a lot of mentions where the brand was mentioned in passing. Amazfit,on the other hand, is going all out with their marketing and promotion strategy. Most mentions therefore are direct mentions from influencers or promotional activities.
2. Demographics:
This is where it gets interesting. Fitbit, in my opinion has hit the sweet spot where both men and women contribute equally to the brand buzz. This is no mean feat – in all my years of experience, I have only come across a couple of brands that have managed this. Amazfit sees most of the traction coming from men. Fitbits and Amazfit both see the majority of their mentions from millennials, followed by Gen Z.
3. Hashtags
What is the buzz about? Let’s take a look at the hashtags around Fitbit and Amazfit. For both devices, the main hashtags are around the brand name itself. Secondary hashtags for Fitbit are #fitness and #LoseIt. For Amazfit, it’s #giveaway and #SmartWatch.
4. Geographical Insights:
This week, we’ve decided to look at the buzz on a global level, so it’s only fair that we take a look at geographical insights from around the world. Looking at the buzz, we can see that most of the buzz around these wearables come from USA. After that, we see a difference, for Fitbit, the next most important country is the UK, followed by Japan and then India. For Amazfit, the next most important country is India, followed by Japan.