TCL Electronics has launched 115” QD Mini LED TV 115X955 Max in India. Priced at INR 29,99,990/-, the Hong Kong-based company claimed that this was the world’s largest TV set. Showcased at CES 2025 held in Las Vegas, Nevada last week, the product was first launched in India and will be introduced in other parts of the globe later.
Stating that the newly launched TV model is competitively priced, Lakshmana Kumar, director – retail and marketing, TCL India told Campaign that the company will invest heavily in various marketing campaigns across India this year to promote its TV offerings. While he refrained from disclosing the marketing or advertising budgets, nearly 80% of the budgets will be directed towards digital marketing initiatives, he informed.
Launched by the company’s brand ambassador, India’s men’s cricket team captain Rohit Sharma, the product is currently available for pre-booking for a limited time frame. Pre-booking customers will also receive a complimentary 75” QLED TV from TCL. Already two customers in India have pre-booked of the newly launched 115” QD Mini LED TV model.
TCL hopes to sell 25 to 30 units in the current calendar year in India.It can be purchased from Reliance Digital, Croma, offline brand and retail stores, as well as online marketplaces such as Amazon and Flipkart.
According to a Customer Market Insights report, India’s TV market was valued at $12,267.60 million in 2024 and is expected to grow by more than 11% over the next few years. According to Kumar, TCL presently controlled nearly 6% share of this market and had set a target of achieving 10% market share by the end of the current calendar year.
Manufactured in the company’s production facility in Tirupati, TCL will target only the premium customers in India for this product. Speaking to Campaign, Xia Dongyue, general manager, TTE Technology India, informed that the company has so far invested $3.2 billion in its two manufacturing plants in Tirupati and its TV production for Indian market is already happening at these locations.
While the manufacturing plant in Tirupati currently makes only TVs, the plans are underway to manufacture washing machines, air conditioners, and sound bars (home theatre systems) at the Tirupati facilities.