Email, search and social networking top the charts of the things women get on to the internet for, according to a new study conducted by ViziSense, an Indian online audience and ad measurement platform. 2,200 women were tracked between the months of January to April and the insights were drawn, analysed and collated from their actual behaviour.
Of the fact that social networking websites garnered more page views than email sites, Amit Bhartiya, business head, ViziSense, said, “With the advent of email moving into the social networking space, people are communicating with their friends, colleagues and family through messages, chat or wall posts. This could be an indicator of the use of formal email reducing.”
Shopping, surprisingly, didn’t show up in the top seven online activities of women at all. “We wanted to check if the quintessential offline behaviour is also the same online,” said Bhartiya. “But we think, for women, it’s also about touch and feel. This could change with spa treatments being offered on group buying websites and discounts on Fashionsandyou.com, perhaps, we’ll see a gradual shift in the behaviour of the panel.”
The ViziSense report is available for free for members and Rs 50,000 for non-members. The company is also working on other studies, which will be released soon.