The film co-produced by UTV Motion Pictures and SLB Films is a remake of the Telugu hit Vikramarkudu, and provides the platform for Akshay Kumar to return to an action role after seven years. South Indian choreographer-turned-director Prabhudheva has directed the film.
The promotions have kept the buzz alive since the trailer launch event. The official trailer was launched on 2 April at an open stadium in Mumbai. The video was posted on YouTube, and received almost 23 lakh views in under a month. WATCH the video here:
UTV Motion Pictures tied up with Red FM to organise a ‘Rowdy Hunt’ (looking for social activists) - winners got to accompany Akshay Kumar on his promotional tours. The film’s actress, Sonakshi Sinha was also promoting the film on the radio station.
In a tie up with the Zee Network, Sonkashi Sinha appeared on Zee TV’s Dance India Dance Lil’ Masters on 26 May.
The lead actor Akshay Kumar appears in ads for Big Boss, a brand from innerwear company Dollar Industries. The company is running a Facebook campaign, wherein one needs keep sharing the pictures of Rowdy Rathore - to participate, answer questions and win tickets to the movie.
It is also interesting to note that in the day and age of photoshop, where every poster is tweeked for aesthetic perfection, the filmmakers have gone in for a rough, hand painted look, giving the film an 80’s style retro feel.
All of the above promotions seemed to have created the right hype before the release of the movie, as term ‘Rowdy Rathore‘, was seen trending in India on the micro blogging site Twitter.
Now that you know so much about the promotions behind the movie, go out and enjoy the film!
Have a lovely weekend!