Campaign India Team
Dec 02, 2021

Year-ender 2021: 'TV and digital will grow and content will glow' – Megha Tata

We ask industry leaders for their learnings from 2021, and an outrageous prediction for the year to come

Megha Tata
Megha Tata

Campaign India is ending the year by asking industry leaders about what this year taught them and an outrageous prediction for 2022. 

Here's what Megha Tata, managing director- South Asia, Discovery Inc, had to say:

Your stand-out moment or learning from 2021?
Remote working was a key disruptor in 2020 that continued even in the year 2021, albeit, with things better aligned this year. With the second wave hitting us hard in 2021, we also saw all of us extending ourselves beyond the traditional boundaries to emotionally support each other as part of the team. There was an emergence of a new leadership approach – ‘building a positive culture in remote teams’ became one of the most important priorities and learnings for leaders in 2021. Also adopting a ‘changed mindset’ leadership that allows us to leverage disruptions and changes rather than being toppled by them helped build a resilient business as well as team. I would say these have been my learnings in 2021 as a leader.
An outrageous prediction for 2022?
The hunger for good content will continue to drive the market leading to several experimentation, diversification of business models and maybe will also start driving consolidation. Overall I believe that linear and digital will continue to expand in parallel continuing the 'and' rather than 'either/or' scenario. So, TV and digital will grow and content will glow!
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