I am currently reading ‘The Ascent’ by Yogi Mahajan. The Ascent records how the transforming force present in everyone called "Kundalini" helps each individual ascend to his own ultimate collective being. Based on the teachings of H.H Shri Mataji Nirmala Devi and her unique breakthrough into collective vibratory awareness through Sahaja Yoga, this book is a must read for every seeker in the quest of the Spirit and Self Realisation.
Salman Rushdie's ‘Midnight's children’ has been a gruelling and arduous read. Just at page 60 of a 650 page book, so too early to come to conclusions. However can't help fretting over excessive detailing and the narrative that progress at a snail's pace. Looks like I am better off with Arvind Adigas and Yan Martels of the world.