GI Grill Guard has launched a campaign to celebrate its 10th anniversary. Conceptualised by Brand Stewards, the film features actor Anil Kapoor, who expresses his love for the brand, via a romantic song.
The film begins with Kapoor staring at the rain in happiness and singing. One of his managers tells the person next to him that he’s elated about his 10th anniversary. Looking at the happiness on his face, the man tells his manager that the girl is lucky to have him. Just as Kapoor plucks a rose while still singing and feeling the wet grills around his property, his manager tells him that there’s no lucky girl, but a lucky grill. Kapoor continues the song with flirtatious moves at his GI Grill Guard.
Agency: Brand Stewards
Client: GI Grill Guard HMB Industries
Managing director: Madhav Beriwala
VP brand communications: Koushik Chatterjee
VP sales: Markanday Singh
Director: Neha Kaul
Executive producer: Cyrus Pagdiwala
Production house: Corcoise Films