LT Foods’ brand Daawat, has launched a campaign to showcase the steps that go into making its Basmati rice, before it reaches the user. Positioned as ‘Banega Toh Farq Dikhega’ (the difference will be seen once made), the film is conceptualised by McCann Worldgroup and features actors Paresh Rawal and Hussain Dalal of Toofan fame.
The film opens to a scene at the paddy factory, which showcases the banter between Rawal - a seasoned Daawat food inspector, and Dalal, who plays Rawal’s immature protégé. Rawal explains to Dalal how each product of Daawat’s Basmati rice is made. He tells him about the four steps - chunkar, bachakar, sambhaalkar and sajaakar, (finely picked, carefully gatheres, aged, and neatly presented), the packets go through, before it reaches the consumer.
Ashwani Kumar Arora, managing director and CEO, LT Foods, said, “Consumers today exhibit a high degree of discernibility and consciousness in their consumption choices. The new campaign of Daawat by LT Foods not only extends the proposition of ‘Banega Toh Farq Dikhega', but also showcases the special care and effort the Company takes through a four stage curation process.”
Ritesh Arora, CEO, India and Far East Business, said, “The brand communication over the years has evolved keeping pace with the changing consumer aspirations and tastes. The extension of ‘Banega Toh Farq Dikhega’ campaign demonstrates the consistent effort taken by the Company to curate the best in category product.”
Creative agency: McCann Worldgroup
Director: Kamlesh Soni
Production house: Conversation Films
Planning: McCann Worldgroup