Digital financial services platform Paytm has launched a social media film as part of its 'Har ghar ka, desh bhar ka' campaign. The campaign aims to tell consumers that Paytm has stood by Indians in a year filled with difficulties.
The film conceptualised by Teen Bandar showcases Paytm as a partner in the hopes, dreams and aspirations as an integral part of every Indian’s home. It shows products and services offered by Paytm that use digital technology to improve consumers’ lives.
Abhinav Kumar, vice president, Paytm, said, "2020 as a year saw difficulties come in various ways. The world for once felt the same throughout – fear, anxiety, and many other emotions that swept across. Over the years, Paytm has been present in people's lives and tried to make a difference in the best way possible. During these unprecedented times, we are glad to be a small agent of help which bridged the gap for many. Be it within the family, amongst friends or even the ones who help to make our lives a lot easier. 'Har ghar ka, desh bhar ka' is our ode to the many who fought through these tough times and moved forward with courage. The new year brings in new hope and we would like to believe the best is yet to come."