Grey India has created a challenge for consumers in its three new TVCs for Reliance Netconnect. Titled, 'It's fast. Are you', the TVCs show the brand's core promise of speed by testing it in three challenging situations for its users.
In the first TVC, a man is shown tied up in knots inside a van, which is parked on a railway track. A train is shown fast approaching when the voice of the ‘taskmaster’ tells him to use the laptop and Reliance Netconnect dongle and look up a video for untying a strangle knot. The train gets closer, glass starts to smash and dramatic music starts, before the man manages to untie his knots just in time to get out of the van before it gets smashed.
In the second TVC, a young woman is shown driving down a street in an unfamiliar city. The boot of her car suddenly explodes before the voice of the 'taskmaster' informs her that her car doors are locked and her only ray of hope is the laptop and Reliance Netconnect dongle at her disposal. She uses the two, to her advantage, as she gets quick information about the closest fire station through her laptop and dongle and drives towards it to be rescued just in time.
In the third TVC, a young college-going student finds himself in the middle of a jungle with only the voice of the ‘taskmaster’ for company. Then, he's shown coming face to face with a rampaging wild elephant in a bad mood. The elephant is the only obstacle standing between him and the jeep that can get him to safety. And a laptop and a Reliance Netconnect dongle are his only allies. The boy runs to safety, puts on his laptop and internet an YOuTube's a video that catches the elephant's attention. The elephant is then shown cooling down, as the boy escapes into the jeep, to safety.
Talking about the new communication campaign, Amit Akali, national creative director, Grey India said,“Demonstrable superiority is the overall platform/positioning for Reliance Wireless, which we’ve already brought to life in the 3g films where we demonstrated through a split screen how Reliance 3g is better than other 3g networks. Here, we decided to demonstrate how fast 28 mbps really is and more importantly, what it means to the consumer. These films certainly aren’t pat or in a typical advertising format. They’re different from what you expect to see in an ad film. They test the viewer, make him think a little bit as to what actually happened, how the protagonist actually escaped, maybe even think about what they would have done in a situation like that."
Karan Rawat and Rohit Malkani, executive creative directors, Grey Mumbai, added, “The process actually began more than two months ago, when we cracked these scripts. Speed has been communicated in this category in a zillion ways and finding a new way was the toughest part. We had to deliver the speed promise yet stick with our ‘demonstrably superior’ positioning. After some serious brainstorming, the team we came up with ‘It’s fast. Are you?’ We knew we were on to something exciting, fresh and break through the moment we had penned the script. Searching for the right director took us almost a month, till we narrowed down on L.A based John Bonito. It’s been a whirlwind yet thoroughly enjoyable experience and a true team effort. The result is 45 seconds of action packed, nail biting drama with a rush that can leave you panting. The films have kept us on the edge of our seats for the last two months, it’s now time for our consumers.”
Client: Reliance
Agency: Grey India
National Creative Directors: Malvika Mehra, Amit Akali
Executive Creative Directors: Rohit Malkani, Karan Rawat
Team: Hemant Shringy, Pallavi Chakravarti, Surendra Gohey and Arun Ganesh
Servicing: Mithun Roy, Nitin Mohan Goyal, Mallika Raina
Planning: Arindam Sarkar, Aunkita Dey
Films: Samir Chadha
Production House: Biscuit Films (Kaula Lampur)
Director: John Bonito