Name Karan Rawat
Job Executive Creative Director, Grey Mumbai
Professional mission Believe in your ideas and sell them. But never believe in research.(Walkman, one of the smartest inventions of our time was bombed in research!)
Personal mantra You are as good as your last work.
8:30am I wakeup.
8:45am Still in bed trying to wakeup, but go back for a short nap again.
9:00am Finally, out of my bed
9:10/ 9:30am Read my daily newspaper while in the loo.
9:50am Breakfast
10:45am Reach office...put my phone on the silent mode, check my mails and attend my morning meetings
12noon Take a small break or attend all the calls I missed.
12:45pm Either brain storming with my team or a briefing session with servicing.
1:30pm lunch break or a working lunch at ITC…because that’s the closest to office
2:30pm post lunch, work discussion or meetings with the client in office. Also, meet some interesting photographers and upcoming director during this time.
3:30pm Meeting continues
5:00pm Still in a meeting…Phew!
6:00pm Invariably, the client servicing lands up with a brief and the deadline is always first thing in the morning!
6:15pm Still fighting with my client servicing, along with my juniors, that it can’t be done.
6:30pm the meeting is pushed :)
7:00pm peace in office
8:00pm I send out a few mails and visit some interesting websites.
8:30pm Leave office
9:00pm Go home and spend some quality time with my three year old daughter
9:30pm A glass of my single malt
10:30pm Dinner and conversations with my better half
11:00pm Never fail to watch a movie from my world-movie collection .
12:30/1:00am Back to my potty seat, with…read my magazine.
1:15am Good Night.