Facebook India has announced the appointment of Ajit Mohan as managing director and vice president. Mohan will assume the position early next year. He is currently CEO of Hotstar.
David Fischer, VP - business and marketing partnerships, Facebook Inc, said, “India is one of the largest and most strategically important countries for Facebook. As we think about what it will take to achieve our mission of bringing people together and building community, we know that investment in India is critical. Ajit’s depth of experience will help us to continue to have a positive impact in India across communities, organisations, businesses and with policy makers.”
Mohan said, “I am delighted to take on the mantle of shaping Facebook’s charter in India. It is a unique opportunity to shape the agenda of a company that has brought the world closer together in one of the most exciting markets in the world. I look forward to championing India in Facebook and working with stakeholders across the spectrum to help build deep and meaningful communities across the country.”
He has also worked with McKinsey and Co., The Wall Street Company and Arthur D. Little.