Dainik Bhaskar Group, has launched its fourth language daily and 60th edition – Divya Marathi from Auranagabd. The newspaper has been launched with a print run of 85,000 copies. Following this, an edition from Nasik will be launched shortly.
Commenting on the launch of Dainik Divya Marathi, Sudhir Agarwal, managing director, DB Corp Limited said, “Undoubtedly, the response to Dainik Divya Marathi has been overwhelming from our readers and advertisers in Aurangabad city. The pre-launch surveys were one of the largest conducted in Aurangabad region and were an exciting challenge. Once again the results have reiterated our execution capabilities to meticulously plan and execute the pre-launch stages and launch the final product most successfully. The need for an unbiased and fearless news daily with the sole primary interest of social and economic development of Aurangabad has emerged as the foremost observation by respondents through an intensive door-to-door survey. We are delighted that Dainik Divya Marathi has emerged as a product with very strong content appealing to diverse readership categories and we are committed to making it a superlative vehicle to participate in and promote Aurangabad city’s socio-economic progress.”
Prior to the launch of the newspaper in Auranagabad, the newspaper conducted a survey across 1,40,000 households through two programmes.
Vinay Maheshwari, vice president, sales and market fevelopment added, “Dainik Bhaskar group is one of the most progressive media superpower of the country. The editorial-distribution combine masters the science of connecting with the readers. We ensure sticking to the basic values of transparency and credibility. Be it a new state or a new language, while it’s a big feat for most, it has almost become a habit at Bhaskar. We are sure that our dedication and determination towards delivering the best to our readers will bring in a paradigm shift in Maharashtra as well.”
Hemant Arora, chief officer, marketing and corporate sales, Dainik Bhaskar Group said, " The Maharashtra launch is one of the most important launches for us. It is one of the priority market for the advertisers and our business associates knows the leadership thought process that Dainik Bhaskar group follows rigorously while entering any market. It is great to share that we have received an equally overwhelming response from the market. This time also we have created high degree of awareness of our efforts for the Divya Marathi launch process , including some innovative communication – like sharing of the subscriber data base in a very transparent fashion- these have definitely helped us in strengthening everyone else’s belief in our success."