Havas Media Group India has bagged the media duties of Doctor 24x7 following a multi-agency pitch. The mandate includes both digital and mobile, and will be handled by the agency's Gurgaon office.
Doctor 24x7 is a mobile phone-based, pan-India, tele-health service which instantly connects a subscriber to qualified and experienced paediatricians, gynaecologists and general physicians through the day. It's available on Android and iOS.
Aloke Malik, founder and CEO, Doctor 24x7, said, “Customer care is our No.1 focus area. We found Havas Media to echo this philosophy and passion. Their experience and agility across media platforms, digital-mobile way forward and strategic bent makes them ideal partners in driving the long term growth of Doctor 24x7.”
Anita Nayyar, CEO, Havas Media Group, India and South Asia, said, “Doctor 24x7 has tremendous potential being akin to an essential service. It is a great win. We are delighted to be entrusted with the brand and look forward to partnering Doctor 24x7 become even more meaningful to its customers.”
Mohit Joshi, managing director, Havas Media Group – India, added, “This is yet another great win on the back of the recent BlueStone.com, HolidayIQ.com and Clovia.com wins. Healthcare will emerge at the forefront of the service industry. Our integrated media approach with digital-mobile focus, centred by the Havas Meaningful Brands framework, will map the Doctor 24x7 brand blueprint in India.”