Hippo Round-Round munchies have been introduced in six regional flavours inspired by kitchens across India. Created by Creativeland Asia, the new campaign for the snack brand positions it as ideal for those who miss their mother's cooking when they're away from home.
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Like in the previous Hippo commercial, the film is seen from the character Hippo’s perspective. In the film, Hippo cheers up a Meghalayan boy who has been hospitalised, a bunch of soldiers at the border and a foreign tourist with flavours of Round-Round munchies made for them by their mothers back home.
Speaking about the creative rendition, Sajan Raj Kurup, founder and creative chairman, Creativeland Asia, said, "We decided to position the popular regional flavours of Hippo Round-Round munchies as 'Maa ke haathon se bane flavours' rather than just doing one of those regional stereotypical numbers. This charming piece of communication is born out of the unconditional love we have for home-made food in India and the universal truth about mother's care and concern. It is blissful to watch and is really close to my heart."
Commenting on the TVC, Nadia Chauhan, joint managing director, Parle Agro, said, "With this communication, Hippo also encourages snacking to be taken as a way to keep in touch with one’s roots. Hippo, with its ‘food for thought’ not only tempts the Indian palette with its unique regional flavours, but also strengthens its position as the solution for both hunger and its consequences."
Agency: Creativeland Asia
Creative team: Sajan Raj Kurup, Vikram Gaikwad, Anu Joseph, Huzefa Kapadia and Maria Iqbal
Account management: Jay Gala
Production house: Equinox Films
Director: Ram Madhvani