Campaign India Team
Jul 26, 2010

Indian agencies battle it out at Adfest 2010

Several Indian agencies have made it to the shortlists at the Adfest 2010 awards, currently underway in Tokyo.The following are the agencies with their nominations in different categories: Film LotusJWT India (Mumbai) - The Snake Charmer - Listerine Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai - Fevicol Moustache - Fevicol Rediffusion Y&R Mumbai - Mistakes - Sleepwell Mattress Press LotusJWT India (Mumbai) - Funeral - Fujifilm Finepix Cameras JWT India (Mumbai) - Poker - Fujifilm Finepix Cameras

Indian agencies battle it out at Adfest 2010

Several Indian agencies have made it to the shortlists at the Adfest 2010 awards, currently underway in Tokyo.

The following are the agencies with their nominations in different categories:

Film Lotus
JWT India (Mumbai) - The Snake Charmer - Listerine
Ogilvy & Mather Mumbai - Fevicol Moustache - Fevicol
Rediffusion Y&R Mumbai - Mistakes - Sleepwell Mattress

Press Lotus
JWT India (Mumbai) - Funeral - Fujifilm Finepix Cameras
JWT India (Mumbai) - Poker - Fujifilm Finepix Cameras
JWT India (Mumbai) - Inner Smile - Fujifilm Finepix Cameras
Leo Burnett India (Mumbai) - Tide Magttraction: Coffee - Tide Detergents
Taproot India (Mumbai) - Colors of India - Conqueror Paper
Leo Burnett India (Mumbai) - Citizens for Bhopal - Sambhavna Trust
McCann Worldgroup (Mumbai) - Water waste - Vanarai Foundation
Creativeland Asia Mumbai - What religion are you? - Eye Bank Association

Poster Lotus
Publicis Communications (Mumbai) - Savings of a Lifetime - Cupid Condoms
JWT India (Mumbai) - Funeral - Fujifilm Finepix Cameras
JWT India (Mumbai) - Inner Smile - Fujifilm Finepix Cameras
Ogilvy & Mather (Mumbai)- Interpret the world - The Economist
Taproot India (Mumbai) - Faces of India - Conqueror paper 
Ogilvy & Mather (Gurgaon) - Stamps - India Post

Outdoor Lotus
McCann Worldgroup (Mumbai) - Clothesline - Onida Washing Machines 
JWT India (Mumbai) - Litter to Lamps -
JWT India (Mumbai) - Street to School - Balwadi Night School
McCann Worldgroup (Mumbai) - Fire Scooter - Republic of Chicken
JWT India (Mumbai) - Horlicks Pro-Height Room - Horlicks
Ogilvy & Mather (Mumbai)- Interpret the world - The Economist

Radio Lotus
Taproot India (Mumbai) - Gargling - Nirma Shudh Salt
Leo Burnett India (Mumbai) - Mandatory Voice Over - SuprActive Complete
Leo Burnett India (Mumbai) - Akshara Helpline Sexual abuse

Direct Lotus
JWT India (Mumbai) - Torn Envelope - Godrej Security Solutions
Creativeland Asia (Mumbai) - What religion are you? - Eye Bank Association
JWT India (Mumbai) - Horlicks Pro-Height Room - Horlicks 
BBDO India (Gurgaon) - W.A.L.S. - Gillette Mach3
Contract Advertising (Mumbai) - Donkey Thrashes Tiger - Sanctuary Asia Magazine

Design Lotus
Ogilvy & Mather (Gurgaon) - Stamps - India Post
Taproot India (Mumbai) - Colors of India - Conqueror Paper

Print Craft
Creativeland Asia (Mumbai) - Mughal Miniature -

Film Craft
JWT India (Mumbai) - The Snake Charmer - Listerine
Creativeland Asia Mumbai - Dehydrated Man - LMN Lemon Aqua

Lotus Roots
Contract Advertising (Mumbai) - New National Animal - Sanctuary Magazine
Ogilvy & Mather (Gurgaon) - Stamps - India Post
Taproot India (Mumbai) - Colors of India - Conqueror Paper
Creativeland Asia (Mumbai) - Dehydrated Man - LMN Lemon Aqua
JWT India (Mumbai) - The Snake Charmer - Listerine
Creativeland Asia (Mumbai) - Mughal Miniature -
McCann Worldgroup (Mumbai) - Clothesline - Onida Washing Machines 
JWT India (Mumbai) - Litter to Lamps -
JWT India (Mumbai) - Street to School - Balwadi Night School
Leo Burnett India (Mumbai) - Akshara Helpline Sexual abuse

360 Lotus
Contract Advertising (Mumbai) - New National Animal - Sanctuary Magazine
Ogilvy & Mather (Mumbai) - Vodafone Zoozoos - Vodafone

The winners will be announced today. Updates follow.


Campaign India

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