Indian Outdoor Advertising Association (IOAA) has reviewed the implementation of the standard operating practises (SOP). Several reports from various members were noted where a two large agencies have not implemented the SOP and also have tried to blatantly violate the minimum display period. It was decided to "try to solve their problems before embargoing these two agencies."
Readers of Campaign India will recall that the IOAA unveiled the SOP in June 2011 to meet new rules for service tax in the outdoor business.
Noomi Mehta of Selvel stated that the SOP includes, "a minimum contract period, execution of contract and release orders prior to starting a campaign, a strict 60 days credit period, steps to provide proof of display in a practical manner, involvement of independent monitoring agencies, accreditation process of new agencies, time-frame for raising invoices and also issue of credit notes."
In the recent meeting, held last week in November 2011, IOAA also rationalised annual fees for all members, including various city associations, so that annual fees are less than about Rs 900 only per month per company. The bulk of the amount collected by way of annual fees will be spent on establishing census data of all outdoor displays, arranging for a reliable, third party, monitoring across all major cities, establishing an ADEX, working along with MRUC to ensure that the IOS finally see light of day and becomes a regular currency and conducting such other research projects that help increase business for outdoor media.
Indrajit Sen, the executive director and nominated member on the board of IOAA, said, "In order to ensure that all expenditure on research hits home and is to fullest satisfaction of industry categories that spend the most on outdoor, IOAA is preparing for a round-table with marketing heads of the largest spending companies. To be held shortly at Mumbai and at Delhi, these meetings will have a single-point agenda of discussing appropriate metrics and factors that would restore client confidence in outdoor media and foster growth."
Meanwhile the IOAA in its board meeting this week appointed Pawan Bansal of Jagran Engage as its vice chairman in place of Indrajit Sen, who ceased to represent Laqshya Media on the board of IOAA. Sen (as mentioned above) has now been appointed executive director and continues as a nominated member on the board of IOAA. He has been given the special responsibility of implementing the SOP and new business practices that were kicked off earlier this year.
Sen will also carry forward the research agenda for the IOAA.