Indian Outdoor Advertising Association will conduct a breakfast session in the beginning of the new year to discuss the future of OOH advertising in the country. The session will be supported by Campaign India.
In India, the estimated size of the OOH industry was Rs 15 billion in 2008, which is projected to become almost twice its current size in 2013 (i.e. Rs 25 billion). But its share in the total ad pie is expected to go down marginally to 6.8% in 2013 from a current level of 6.9% in 2008. The worldwide spend on OOH will expand; but how are the stake-holders in the Indian OOH industry coping with it?
The breakfast session titled 'What is the client's vision of OOH' will address these critical questions on 4 January 2012, in Pipal Conference Room, at Campaign India's Mumbai office.
Here are the details of the session's agenda:
Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm
Proposed Agenda
Introduction: Indrajit Sen, executive director, IOAA to initiate discussion on maintenance and measurement of displays in OOH space and its operational processes.
Round-table discussion: A discussion with clients and marketers on their expectations from the OOH media.
- Spends and trends for 2012
- Deliverables
- Issues
- Credibility
- Premium sites versus ordinary sites
- ‘ROI’ concepts for OOH
- Metrics – Indicators – A sense of Value
- Rates – commissions – transparency
- Standard Operating Processes
Summation: Conclusions from the discussion : Vasant Jante, publisher, Outdoor Asia, and member, board of governors, IOAA.
Vote of Thanks, and future course of action: Ramu Ramanathan, group editor, Haymarket Media.